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P1030082Gagliato is a collection of black & white photographs of a pilgrimage I embarked on with my father to retrace childhood memories and family history. The images showcase a tranquil paese in Southern Italy with roots to feudal times; a town scarred by waves of emigration exoduses and now home to less than 600 inhabitants; a jewel that evokes nostalgia and stands as a monument of simplicity for a people who cherish nature, food, wine, religion and, most importantly, famiglia and amici.


The creation process to produce Gagliato was one I will cherish and hold dear to my heart forever. I had the amazing opportunity to work side by side with my dad – learning, sharing and making something beautiful that we and hopefully many will be able to enjoy for a lifetime.

The editing process to choose 132 photographs was quite difficult when we had so many breath-taking images of this unique town. We have expanded our collection and are showcasing 365 Days of Gagliato Photography on the Gagliato Virtual Piazza website. Visit the site for a daily dose of natural Southern Italian beauty.

To purchase the book, visit: SOTA BOOKS or AMAZON.

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